MGMA Webinar - From Cost Reduction to Cash Generation: Why Automating AP Should Be Your Top Priority


Struggling to balance rising costs with ever-tightening margins, financial leaders at medical groups face mounting pressure to cut back-office costs without impacting services. A crucial yet chronically overlooked area that aligns with this strategic priority is accounts payable (AP). Far too many providers remain bogged down by costly, time-consuming processes such as manually processing invoices and paper checks. Join this webinar to discover how automating AP can deliver a quick win against your cost-cutting goals and gain insight into how the combination of automation and digital payments can help reduce costs and even generate cash for your business.


This 60-minute webinar will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • Identify inefficiencies and calculate the true cost of manual AP processes
  • Discuss best practices for realizing quick wins and minimizing change management
  • Describe real-world examples of medical groups realizing significant ROI from AP automation

Complete the form to access the webinar.